How to create a WAV file?

There are people out there, who need this way of creating a disk, as they don't possess a floppy drive at their PC.
I was asked how I get from a DMK image to a WAV file. That I will describe further down ...
(Thanks to Andre in Tokyo/Japan and Andrés in Boston/USA)

A Java program

Analyzing a DMK file is no rocket sience. At Ira Goldklang's Website there is an outstanding description of the details of the DMK format:
As an ordinary software developer I am lazy and implemented the analysis in a platform independant Java program.
To avoid errors during transmission, I created a ZIP archiv.
Converts a DMK file into header and tracks appropreate to BOOTSTRAP
-v = View only (no files are created)
usage: DMK2CMD <DMK-file> [-v]
What is this for?
It creates a number of CMD files from a DMK file. The header.cmd is combining all relevant information to create a floppy. Further on the content of each track is stored in 00.cmd to xx.cmd.

A batch file

Well there are some steps required, until the WAV file is ready
fullname=`basename "$file"`
java -jar ~/HausPCData/Software/Java/dmk2cmd.jar "$name.dmk"
if [ $HighSpeed -eq "1" ]; then
trld header.cmd header.$WAVType
if [ $WAVType == "1500.wav" ]; then
  sox header.$WAVType silence-long3.wav header.wav
  sox header.$WAVType silence-long1.wav header.wav
rm header.$WAVType
rm header.cmd
for fn in [0-9][0-9].cmd; do
  trld $number.cmd $number.$WAVType
  if [ $WAVType == "1500.wav" ]; then
    sox $number.$WAVType silence3.wav $number.wav
    sox $number.$WAVType silence1.wav $number.wav
  rm $number.cmd
  rm $number.$WAVType
sox header.wav $(ls [0-9][0-9].wav | sort -n) "$name.$WAVType"
rm header.wav
rm [0-9][0-9].wav
Now I am about to explane some things:
Beside my Java program I use some other programs
Now the attentive reader will notice, that I use four WAV files
  1. silence1.wav
  2. silence-long1.wav
  3. silence3.wav
  4. silence-long3.wav
They can be created quite easy with sox
sox -n -r 22050 -b 16 -c 1 -L silence1.wav trim 0.0 6.0
sox -n -r 22050 -b 16 -c 1 -L silence-long1.wav trim 0.0 16.0
sox -n -r 22050 -b 16 -c 1 -L silence3.wav trim 0.0 20.0
sox -n -r 22050 -b 16 -c 1 -L silence-long3.wav trim 0.0 55.0
Now we encounter the question: "What the heck is he doing there?"
  1. The filename is extracted.
  2. The DMK file is splited and the transmission speed is detected at the same time.
    500 bit/s for Model I (10 sectors single density)
    1500 bit/s for Model III (18 sectors double density)
  3. A preceding silence is added to the header and each track.
  4. All parts are combined to one large WAV file.
  5. All temporary files are deleted.

That's it

As I said, no rocket sience!
With this way even data disks can be transmitted.